Italian Bible
Italian is spoken in Italy, Argentina, and other countries.
For more information, see SIL Ethnologue code ita.
Online Bibles:
- Search the Italian Bible at
- Italian New Testament from (formerly International Bible Society).
- Listen to the audio Italian New Testament online at Talking Bibles International.
- La Parola offers five Italian translations, a commentary of the NT, a Bible dictionary and more.
- Italian Bible
- La Sacra Bibbia e la Concordanza
- Free online verse-by-verse commentary for the Italian Bible.
Italian Bibles to purchase:
from American Bible Society:
- The American Bible Society sells several editions of the Italian Bible and Italian New Testament.
Italian Bibles:
- Italian New Riveduta Bible (hardcover)
- Italian Bible (hardcover)
La Sacra Bibbia / Nouva Riveduta sui testi originali- Italian Bible (paperback)
La Nuova Diodati Revisione 1991/93 Italia- Italian Bible (Revised Luzzi Version) (contemporary)
La Sacra Bibbia- Italian Bible With Deuterocanonicals
- Italian Bible With Deuterocanonicals
Italian New Testament:
- Italian Children's Bible Stories- Vol. I (paperback) 44 pages
La Bibbia dei Bambini - Scoprire Ges� - La Parola- Italian Children's Bible Stories- Vol. II (paperback) 50 pages
La Bibbia dei Bambini - Scoprire Ges� - La LuceChristian Books:
The "JESUS" Film, based on the Gospel of Luke, has been translated into Italian. To order, visit Or order by phone from Campus Crusade at 1-800-432-1997.
The Four Spiritual Laws gospel tract has been translated into Italian. Download a free pdf or purchase the Print Your Own Gospel Tracts CD from Campus Crusade.
Thru the Bible, the classic five-year radio Bible study with Dr. J. Vernon McGee, is broadcast daily on the internet in Italian.
Find more Italian Gospel Videos, Tracts and Other Resources at Ethnic Harvest's main site.